Nothing Is Impossible - All Things Are Possible

Once in a while, each of us has faced what looked like an impossible situation. However what is impossible to me might be an easy thing for you. A difficult feat for an amateur athlete may pose little challenge to the professional guy. A $1000, 000 investments is no problem for billionaire Warren Buffet but it sure is a big one for me! However, what if we are talking trillions of dollars? Even those on Forbes billionaire list face a challenge with the trillions order of problems. This is why Jesus in encouragement said "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God." (Mark 10:27 ). All things are possible with God

I learned a valuable lesson in my first few days in school. All too often, a boy would pick a quarrel with another. A popular way to settle the disputes was to draw a line on the sand and dare the opponent to cross over as a test of courage. They either took the challenge and a fight ensued or they chickened out and lived with the shame of it for a while. Sometimes, the challenger was not up to a fight and took off as soon as the target responded in a threatening manner! At home, they always said you got to learn how to fight for yourself although they never offered Karate lessons. Not much for the encouragement.

I was in the same school with my brother and sister who were 6 and 2 years older than me respectively. As long as I was with any one of them, no kid in my class would dare threaten me. If someone actually did, then my older sibling would take the challenge and fight off the attacker. I became an "impossible" target. Next in my line of defense were friends. It paid well to have stronger bigger kids for friends. It made a big difference particularly in situations where group fights ensued. Here is a simple principle; it does matter who is with you because it determines what is possible or impossible. This is a source of great encouragement.

At whatever the age there are three levels of problems - the ones you can deal with, the ones you need someone to help and the lot that is humanly impossible even to the Forbes billionaire. Talking to his disciples, Jesus taught "Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in Me. "(John 15:4 ) Look at it this way:

1. You think you can do it alone? Well, you better believe the Lord for His Wisdom and the spirit of excellence so you can produce more fruit. It is possible to move to another level of productivity.

2. Think you need a friend to help? Believe for God's favor with people. Remember government officials, professionals, friends and even relatives may let you down but God has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. He will send you the right help to get the job done and produce abundance of fruit

3. Is it humanly impossible? What billions cannot do, God can do. Nothing is impossible for with Him, all things are possible. Have faith, it will be easy. Whatever the nature of the challenge, be it in finances, relationships, careers or any other area, as long as God is with you, all things are possible.

Keep your mind on the promises of the Lord. He will do what trillions of dollars cannot do. You may ask - how will this issues turn out? It depends on who you are with. Be encouraged and remember that with God, all things are possible.

Are you overwhelmed with bad news? Remember that Nothing is Impossible. All things are possible. It all depends on who is with you. Make an effort to change your destiny and choose the channels for good news Tim Greenwood Ministries

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